
the axios articles

Mastering Consistency (An AXIOS Half Day) Recap


Ed Holmes

January 28, 2025

Britney and I are intrigued by the Celtic concept of “thin spaces”, locations and moments where the veil between heaven and earth seems thinner—the line between the sacred and the natural blurs, allowing for transformative experiences.

We find thin spaces in nature, standing before a vast green expanse of fir and cedar trees, eventually running into an endless blue ocean of sky. The space beckons our souls to explore, embark on adventures, and become filled with wonder. We are overwhelmed with awe, experiencing God in all His creation.

As I ponder the moments when heaven and earth appear to converge, a profound sense of awe grabs me. This feeling also arises in specific moments, mainly when we reflect on the remarkable lives we are graced to lead and the extraordinary individuals we have the honor of sharing them with.

We had a thin space moment last Saturday at our half day group coaching experience, Mastering Consistency.

First, it’s not lost on us how unlikely it is that people would give their attention, time, and money to attend an event, especially on a gorgeously rare sunny winter day in the Pacific Northwest. This alone brings Britney and I to a deep state of gratitude.

Second, we ask participants to make three commitments at the top of every event: stay curious, explore the unknown, and leave with what they need. To say the room rose to the occasion is an understatement.
Moments of curiosity instead of shame occurred, encouragement replaced guilt, and confusion was swapped for clarity. Connections were made during breaks, conversations lasted well past the conclusion of the event, and overall, the energy was palpable.

We are humbled by the quality of humans who choose to attend these events with us. Honestly, it leaves us in awe. Awe of the character and courage shown in these half days, the gift of vulnerability, the confidence built by challenging beliefs, and the inspiration it provides to all in the room.

To call this our life leaves us in wonder and awe.

We love this wild and meaningful life.

-Ed + Brit

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